Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The very bästa for breakfast lunch and brunch

The very best bar, or you can just say it like the danisch Bästa Bar!!

It sure was one of my bästa sundays!
The first rays of sunshine, the first time you could use your sunglasses,the first brunch that went on to a late lunch while sitting on a terras, those home baked cookies,those chocolate fishies, that damn good looking and tasting croque!

Well you know where to find me next weekend!!
There is so many things I need to try on that menu!

Fist on the list... a plate of cookies, large portion! Then some coconut bread, with a berry smoothie, followed by a goatcheese eggplant croque...
While i think about what i will order after all that...

Have a bästa day!

TO DO: Bästa Bar
Vrijdagsmarkt 8, 2000 Antwerp

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